Our Love, Our Fate

It takes two threads to form a knot,
Takes three days to reach the hills,
Four weeks to immerse in a season,
A year to learn how to walk,
A decade to grow with time,
But mere moments to experience eternal love.

Creating the foundations for two needs
awareness of the other’s dreams and fears
acknowledge the truth of unheard tears
explore the depths of warm smiles
melt the ice cold walls of delicateness
that we harbour over decades only to succumb
within ourselves; a soft bed isn’t soft until
words that break us within find sentences
in languages beyond the realms of words,
beyond the tangible sense of being; Foundations
are built when one can touch the intangible
sense of soul within, the dub-dub of consciousness,
beating heart of our mind encased within a room
with windows wide open and a warm cup of tea;
A breezy hue and the lover’s glance at you,
and you start to pour, you thunder and you rain,
you weep and you laugh, you holler and you whisper,
you unturn the past and rewrite your future,
you dream the dreams that your heart needs,
and your cup of tea is still hot, and your lover’s gaze
smiles at you; Foundations so firm
that even if the tree shakes, your lover whispers to you,
“Our motions are our will, and our will is our fate.”

Making the nest of love needs time
but time is just the yarn to the needles,
the needles that knit, working together,
resting together, conversing of art that
will exist as a product of their will.

Our love that knows no bounds
is a conversation for eternity,
in that room among cloudy trees
our gazes peer beyond the visible
beyond the tactile, far into our souls.
For our love is our fate, and our Will etches
our destiny amidst omniscient stars.

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